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Category Archives: In the Media

In the Media: A Foodie Look at Early Prison Food

Curious about what early prison food was like? This 3:43 minute video from Zagat’s “Bizarre Bites: Prison Food Taste Tests” takes viewers on a brief tour of American prison food from the 1830’s to the present day. The clip takes place at the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia and includes some great shots of prison […]

In the Media: Insights into Researching Early American Crime

When I speak at libraries, historical societies, and other groups about early American crime, I am often asked where and how I find information about these historical criminals. The short answer is that I generally use a combination of databases that are freely available on the Web and subscription databases that I access through local […]

Special Limited-Time Price Drop for Bound with an Iron Chain

Did you receive a Kindle, Nook, or other e-reader as a gift for the holidays? Now you can load my bestselling book, Bound with an Iron Chain: The Untold Story of How the British Transported 50,000 Convicts to Colonial America, onto your e-reader for only $0.99. Kindle: Nook: Barnes and Noble All other […]

EAC Podcast: Writing Bound with an Iron Chain

In this podcast, I talk about how I came up with the idea of writing my new book, Bound with an Iron Chain, and about my experience writing it. Book Update My book is slowly beginning to populate the various booksellers across the Web. Here is a list of websites from around the world where […]

Read All About It: Bound with an Iron Chain Hits Bestsellers Lists!

Within one week of being published, my new book, Bound with an Iron Chain: The Untold Story of How the British Transported 50,000 Convicts to Colonial America, has appeared on’s Bestsellers lists for books about Colonial American History and English History! If you enjoy reading about American history, English history, or crime history, then […]